Friday, June 13, 2008


Today is an important day.

I was continously unable to sleep for a week. The maximum time I was in bed on a day this week was 5 Hours. I just feel numbness and insanity all over.

The state is equivalent to dopes that I had heard about. I am a vegitarian and I dont take alcohol. But even without taking dopes one can know how it makes one feel. Simply put the person on a week long service without giving him break for a nap. Give him everything and anything he wants. Feed him, bath him and let him do whatever he wants, but just dont let him sleep! In one week he will get hallucination and the following week he will go to a non-returnable state! The state of ecstasy! The state to which the dopes take one, I believe!

Both the process makes one feel numb! Feel free from the world, feel light. How can I explain the feel-less state by using the word feel! Its not Feel Light or Feel Free, its - in the contrarry -feeling nothing!

Now you know why the one of the Trinity God Vishnu is in an ecstatic state of AriThuyil(Sleepless, but half blind folded state). He is alive and he is present in this very existance and thus he is numb to all worldly things! He simply smiles at everything that he sees from atop! It actually amuses him. He used to expose this attitude through the human made forms like idols in the temple and actors who had acted enacting him in cinema and drama.

I think it is correct to think that the divinity works through the human minds! It creates various combinations and permutations that one finds his own limits, while others constantly tries to push themselves to extremes!

This is what they call the little extra mile. Everybody seems to be taking proud of that little extra that he gives in to push human limits! The boundary between what humans wants to be and what humans are in existance!

The struggle has gathered enough momentum that it starts speaking from within in a louder way that it reaches million, billion and why not may be trillion tomorrow. If I am heard by million, then yes, I have pushed my limit a bit extra today!

Enough for the day!

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